Six Degrees of Automotive Separation – Saab

Published by Mike on


So Saab’s still in limbo, kinda, even though reports say the assembly lines are up and running again. But with all the talk of Saab being sold to this company or that, we can’t help but think about what new connections might be possible for the Hemmings Six Degrees of Automotive Separation Challenge, and what connections already exist.

So let’s plug Saab into this week’s challenge. As you may recall, Saab was part of an earlier challenge with Hudson, and there were plenty of excellent connections made in that challenge. This time, however, we’re using a fox-and-hound format, so whoever chimes in first gets to suggest an auto company that the rest of you have to link to Saab in six degrees or less. Whoever answers that gets to suggest a new company, and so on.

As always, a degree of separation between two companies consists of one owning the other or one using the other’s parts.

Bonus Internet points this week for anybody who can connect Saab to Spyker, Koenigsegg or SAIC outside of the recent acquisition talks.