Let’s see your old car-related family album photos

Published by Mike on

the McCourt family squareback

Inspired by both McCourt’s baby photo in a Squareback (above) and BigLorryBlog’s recent request of photos of their reader’s first trucks, along with the impending holidays, we’re going to ask you loyal Hemmings Blog readers to share with us your best old car-related photos from the family album.

We figure, for the next few weeks at least, you’re going to be lugging out the ol’ photo albums and flipping through them anyway, so why not sneak out that pic of Aunt Myrtle by her Model A and scan it for us? Feel free to email your pics to us, upload them to a page on My Hemmings, or add them to the Hemmings Nation Flickr pool, and we’ll share ‘em here on the blog. Make sure to let us know at least who’s in the photo, when/where it was taken, and what cars are in the photo. And hey, if you still have the car(s) in the photo, send along a modern-day shot of it.

I promise to take part in the album fun as well, though it’ll have to wait until I visit my family at Christmas. I know there’s some good photos of Dad with his Camaro in there…

UPDATE (25.November): That email link might not work for some of you. If it doesn’t, remove the quote marks from around the email address, and the email should go through.